About Me

As an 18-year-old recent Junior College graduate from Singapore 🇸🇬, I am deeply passionate about the revolutionising power that science, engineering, and technology holds. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I remain deeply inspired by the limitless possibilities that these entail. These domains have always fascinated me from the very beginning, and my passion for them has only grown stronger over the years.

Since my earliest encounters with the wonders of software, hardware, and algorithms, in my childhood, my desire to push the boundaries of what is possible, to innovate, and to contribute meaningfully to the world, has continued to grow continually. Throughout my academic journey, I have been exceedingly privileged to have had numerous windows of opportunities to hone and strengthen various technical skills, most notably, the fascinating world of software development. Over the course of my Secondary School and Junior College years, I have acquired valuable proficiencies in numerous programming languages, including but not limited to Python, C++, Java, Swift, and JavaScript. These skills have not only enhanced my technological abilities, but have also fostered in me a deep sense of empowerment; Ihave come to realise the profound impact that technology can have in shaping our vibrant, volatile, dynamic and inter-connected world, and would like to make a difference to the world around us.

Undoubtedly, I hope to grow and flourish as an individual, gradually, but beyond that, I am driven by an immense desire to contribute to the future us and our future generations will be living in. It is evident that technology is and will serve as a force for driving the betterment of the world, otherwise, what else could be more transformative than that?

When it comes to solving complex problems or creating innovative solutions, I am passionate about employing my skills, along with that of others, to come together and make a tangible, visible change, through us all harnessing the power of technology.

Looking ahead, I envision a world brimming with a myriad of opportunities — to learn, to grow, to live. But, what is necessary is that we all are eager and steadfast when it comes to collaborating with others and sharing knowledge. The world would see no visible progress if we remain reclused, isolated and distant from one another continually adapt to things, come what may.

Aside from advancing in my own future career and advancing intrinsically as an individual, I aim to create solutions that can uplift communities and improve the lives for many people globally, especially the underprivileged, vulnerable, neglected, and, many a time, often overlooked communities in our midst. I am certain that the power of technology, when used thoughtfully and righteously, holds massive potential to bridge gaps and empower individuals everywhere, promoting much more equitable outcomes for everyone.

Beyond that, I also have a strong passion for creativity and learning. I find joy in photography 📸 and video editing 🎞️, the intersection between digital art and physical art. I also love learning all sorts of languages, because I feel that it broadens my worldview and helps me connect on a more personal level with people, from diverse backgrounds, across countries and regions, and between generations. Last but not least, humanity subjects like geography, current affairs, and history also perplex and interest me; these fields allow me to better understand the world at large, in all its complexity, and guide my ambitions further.

Looking ahead, I am filled with hope and optimism, for humankind. The future, i know, will hold boundless and limitless opportunities for growth, innovation, and collaboration, for everyone of us.

I am always open to working with anyone who shares my passion for learning and innovation. So, if you're looking for someone to cooperate and exchange ideas with, or simply would like to connect, hesitate no more.